My life is always in complete chaos. I'll start with my kids.
My oldest son has High Functioning Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). He sees the world in black and white, there is no middle ground. The SPD makes things even more rigid for him and is a whole topic on it's own. His memory astounds me and will talk about things that happened when he was 2 yrs old. He thinks math is fun and was able to start algebra at 6 yrs old. I call him C-note because, he marches to music that is all his own and it is a very beautiful song.
My middle son, also marches to the bet of his own drum. Currently he lives as Bumblebee, the Transformer. When he is in costume, which is ALL the time, he will not answer to his real name. He has major trouble sleeping, and learning new things. He also has ADHD, and as I am typing is showing me all of the flips and moves that Bumblebee can do off of the couch; yes, he talks about himself in the 3rd person.
My youngest, Lil' Bit, is currently 2.5yrs old going on 20yrs. She really tries to rule things and I'm constantly reminding her that while she may be the princess, I am the Queen. She tells the boys what to do and they listen! She's loves bows in her hair and if it's pink then it MUST be hers. But, if you want to wrestle, count her in, because there's no way that she's not as strong as the boys.
My husband is undiagnosed Aspergers, and is just like the character Sheldon on the Big Bang Theory. Never play monopoly with him, because he likes to write contracts and it all gets very complicated.
The dog, Athena, is a black blab/blue heeler mix. She has seperation anxiety is terrified of loud noises. She is also never allowed outside while anyone is on the trampoline because she will either go underneath and nip at feet, or go on top and tackle the jumpers. She does make me smile though and even though she's 43lbs. thinks that she's a lap dog.
I homeschool my boys because the schools simply aren't able to handle their individualism. We tried private school, it didn't go well. I am also a co-director of children's ministries at my church. And we are also involved in several other activities throughout the week. Life is complicated and chaotic. I end most days completely exhausted but unable to sleep because I'm thinking about the next day.
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