Tuesday, February 3, 2015

No Whine Zone

I have declared my house a no whining zone.  I have reached the end of my sanity.  Bumblebee has gotten to a point that he will only talk in a whine and Lil' Bit is picking up his bad habits.  Trying to correct his behavior has met with little to no success. We have gotten to the point where something has to change.  I simply can't take it anymore.  I have reached a low.  My attitude has turned into that of a crazed maniac.  We all need to correct our behavior.  My kids can't improve themselves unless I do.  So, I have declared our house a NO WHINE ZONE.

Now this is not for the faint of heart.  It takes some serious discipline.  Not discipline over the kids, but over myself.  For this to work, my outlook, and attitude has to change first.  That means when when I've acknowledged Bumblebee pointing out something that is out of place 100 times, even if I -can't fix it, I must acknowledge it 100 more with patience.  When C-note it repeating a phrase over and over, I must do my best to calm the stimming while being calm myself.  And, when Lil' Bit has somehow found yet another unsupervised crayon/sharpie/pen and decorated my walls/furniture/floors that I don't yell, I simply help her clean it up....again.

Kids learn by example.  If I'm acting like a lunatic, they will too.  Though Bumblebee trying to firmly plant a transformer toy in another boy's head last night was NOT learned from me.

As you can see, this is going to require will of iron and control over myself.  The rest 'should' fall into place.  This change will not happen overnight, but it will change.  I'm in the trenches, my nerves are constantly under attack.  There will be bad days, everyone has them, but it is my hope, that those days become fewer all the time.

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